And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation.” (Mark 16:15, NRSV)

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MISSION 10/40 is a private initiative, approved by the Seventh-day Adventist church in Norway.

Through Mission 10/40, Adventists in Norway are given the opportunity to contribute to mission projects in the 10/40-window.

What we do

Mission 10/40 aims to bring attention to mission projects within the 10/40-window. Through increased awareness of these projects, Mission 10/40 invites people to contribute both financially and through other means to help support these mission projects so that the gospel of Jesus Christ will reach the entire world.

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the opportunities

Our partners are:

  • Middle East North Africa Union Mission (MENAU),
  • Israel Field and three other Fields in South Sudan. (Greater Equatorial Field, Upper Nile Field, Greater Bahr El-Ghazal Field).
  • We also have an agreement with the Trans-European Division, giving us the status as a Supporting Ministry.

We find projects worth investing in together with our partners. We also work very closely together to find the best ways of using the donations and the resources effectively for the projects.

Supporting the projects

Do you wish to support the projects in the 10/40-window? We truly appreciate all contributions. We are thankful for financial support through donations, but we are also in need of human resources, so please don’t hesitate to contact us if you wish to help in any way.

Support us

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Give a gift

Please mark your donation with your name and which project you wish to support, if you have any preferences. For all gifts above 100 kroners, you’ll receive a thank you letter as your receipt.


Vipps number: 59 49 56

Or use the QR code


Account number: 3000.30.30020

For the church treasurer

Please mark the gifts “Mission 10/40”

The projects

Adventist Learning Center, Lebanon

Adventist Learning Center (ALC) is a help- and education center for Syrian refugees, ages 6-12 years, located in Bourj Hammound, in Beirut, Lebanon. Mission 10/40 has been supporting ALC’s work for several years already. It is clear how the work the ALC is really making a difference, through education and schooling, practical help and spiritual guidance for both these children and their families.

Nile Union Academy, Egypt

Nile Union Academy is a boarding high school in Egypt, where Mission 10/40 is supporting students through scholarships. To be able to take a degree at university in Egypt, high school is mandatory for the young students. Not everyone is able to afford this without a scholarship.

Life-Hope Center, Nazareth

Mission 10/40 has been a financial sponsor of the Life-Hope Center in the Israeli city of Nazareth. Through recent years, the city has become the center for the Arabic part of the population of Israel. The Life-Hope Center is offering English language courses, lifestyle courses and Bible studies amongst other things.

In this window, between the tenth and the fortieth latitude, from western Africa all the way to eastern Asia, live the majority people who has not yet been reached with the Gospel. This way of thinking about unreached people by their geographic location, have made thousands of people across the globe engage in missionary work during the last half of the 20th century.

Not many people are aware that Dr. Luis Bush first introduced the term 10/40. He is one of our times leading mission leaders and mission strategists.

Get in contact with us

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+47 906 40 706
